Annette’s 100
Our heartfelt thanks go out to every one of Annette’s 100 whose leadership gifts totaling more that $100,000 have been matched by a challenge grant from The Annette Funicello Research Fund for Neurological Diseases
A word from Carol Schumacher, Board member with The Annette Funicello Research Fund for Neurological Diseases

"I am so pleased to be the first member of Annette’s 100! I have a special relationship with BNAC and The Funicello Research Fund. And I am a person with MS."
"The Funicello Research Fund’s mission is to support clinical studies seeking the cause of MS and therapies that show promise of reversing the symptoms. Annette Funicello first noticed her MS symptoms in 1987 when she was making the movie ‘Back to the Beach.’ As her MS progressed, Annette decided to go public with her condition and commit herself to helping others. BNAC’s work and this study are perfectly aligned with her commitment. I hope you can join those of us who came together as 'Annette’s 100', and donate now to support the CASA-MS study."
Annette Funicello
Challenge Goal
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