Celebrating the Life and Legacy of MS Pioneer and BNAC Founder Dr. Larry Jacobs

BNAC researchers and students join in celebrating the life and work of the late Lawrence Jacobs, BNAC founder and a brilliant and visionary biomedical researcher whose research changed forever how multiple sclerosis was treated around the world.
Last month, officials of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS), three generations of the Jacobs family, former patients, fellow researchers, and friends gathered for a tribute at University at Buffalo’s Clinical and Translational Research Center.
The purpose: pay homage to the man known by patients, friends, and colleagues as Dr. Larry and to recognize how his work decades ago laid the foundation for “Pathways to Cures” of the NMSS, the society’s 2022 roadmap for new MS treatments and cures published recently in the Multiple Sclerosis Journal.
Penny L. Pennington, Director of Program Management for the Jacobs MS Center for Treatment and Research, and a long-time member of the BNAC Advisory Council was instrumental in initiating the event. Penny continues to be a leading voice for MS equity and patient-centered research at BNAC and beyond.
Read the full story here.